Mount Adams Migrant Program
Migrant Health & Wellness Fair Photos
Welcome to the Mt. Adams School District Migrant Program.
Services to migrant children and their families may include:
Supplemental academic programs to assist in the achievement of state academic standards
Instructional training
Health programs
Preschool programs (readiness, transitioning to elementary education)
Family home visiting and academic counseling services
Parental involvement
Migrant student data and collection
Student leadership opportunities
Summer schools programs
Secondary credit accrual and exchange
Grants for supplemental secondary services, dropout prevention and retrieval, and alternative education programs
Dissemination of information
We are seeking Parent input! Please join us on our Monthly Migrant Meetings at the New Harrah Elementary or on Zoom! Dinner is provided.
7640 Branch Road, Harrah, WA 98933
At Mount Adams School District, we have several services for our Migrant students.
Primary Level
After School Tutoring Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays
Secondary Level
Pass Program
Students Leadership Club
Upcoming Migrant Events!
Parent Advisory Committee Meeting June 7th at 6:30-7:30pm on Zoom! See you there! In Person or on Zoom (find link above)
MASD Migrant Health & Wellness Fair, April 21st 5:30-7:30 at Harrah Elementary.
Local Health Vendors & Fun Activities for Families, Presentation on Health & Diabetes Awareness
Do you participate in any of the following Activities & Crops below?
You may qualify for Migrant Services.
Migrant Recruiter/Student Advocate/Clerk
Fernando Simental
Contact number: 509-874-8616