Science Health Fair at the Harrah Campus - Pacific Northwest University brought a science health fair to the Harrah Campus on Monday. The students of PNU set up various stations full of hands-on science experiments, art projects, and fun interactive games. Principal Widener would like to thank Mrs. Larez for working to make this event happen!
Student of the Month Assemblies took place this week on the Harrah Campus. Students are recognized for their efforts in being Safe, Kind, Responsible and Respectful. Many families turned out to support their children!
The new playground on the Harrah Campus is looking wonderful and student excitement is on the rise about being able to use the playground soon. Our PBIS Tier 1 team will be working on videos and teach-to's to teach students how to properly and safely use this fabulous new area on our Campus. The team installing the equipment buttoned up the assembly this week. The play surface is already on the scheduled for installation the week of April 24th. The installation is weather dependent and may be delayed if we get a late cold snap or a precipitation event. As we get closer, we will be able to firm up that timeline.
Salmon Released Today - The Harrah Panther fifth-grade class is participating in a field trip today in order to release the Coho Salmon that they have been hatching since January. Students were excited to release these salmon into their natural environment.
White Swan High School Received accreditation by the Association of Educational School Districts. Principal Tenney would like to thank community members Andrea Bobb, Peggy Sanchey, Larena Van Pelt, and Jesse Dempsen for participating in the White Swan High School Accreditation process. These individuals gave of their time to speak with our visitors and to provide honest feedback about the work of teachers, staff, and administrators on the campus that add to the creation of learning and providing a positive learning experience for all of our students. In addition, Principal Tenney and her team deserve many congratulations for the work they did to prepare for the accreditation visit and the ongoing experience provided to students on a daily basis. Below is the letter of Accreditation Certification for White Swan High School. Congratulations teachers and staff for this important accomplishment.