Food Distribution at White Swan High School - Our partner in service to the community is the Peacekeepers Society. At White Swan High Parking lot in front of the administrative building the Peacekeepers will provide food distribution Date: 12/16/2023 Time: 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM. I hope you will be able to stop by and pick up some food supplies for the long winter break.
Phoenix Security Training on the Old Harrah Campus – Phoenix Security who provides our school security services on both the White Swan and Harrah Campuses has asked if they could use the old Harrah Campus for a Community Safety Drill. It may be presented as an active shooter drill, but please be aware, there is no active shooter… this is just a drill!
The event will take place on Wednesday, 12/20/2023, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, on the old Harrah Grade School Campus across from the Harrah Post Office. All local law enforcement agencies have been notified.
The University of Washington GEAR UP Program takes on Another Cohort of Students - We are delighted to continue to move forward with a newly funded GEAR UP program for the next seven years, and we are eager to embark on this journey under the direction and continued support of University of Washington. After careful consideration and collaboration, UW has finalized the new grant fund allocations to ensure optimal utilization and impactful outcomes. This new cohort of students includes both our 6th grade and 7th grade students.
As we embark on this new chapter, we are excited about the possibilities and the positive impact the GEAR UP program will have on the academic and personal development of our students. We look forward to working closely with students and families to implement innovative strategies, provide valuable resources, and create a nurturing environment that fosters growth and success with all our GEAR UP program participants to reach Mt. Adams School District vision that every student graduates from White Swan High School prepared and ready for life, which in today’s economy necessitates some level of post-secondary education such as College and/or Trade School.
Go Cougars and Congratulations to the classes of 2029 and 2030!
Happy Holidays to Our McKinney-Vento Students and Families - The district is providing 26 holiday baskets for McKinney-Vento families, representing 82 children, which will be picked up or delivered by December 15. Partners in providing supplies, food and gifts include Kevin Muffet from Combined Construction (holiday meals), Sunrise Outreach (canned food), twenty-six $50 gift cards from White Swan Arts and Recreation, Harrah Grace Brethren Church (sweaters, quilts), World Vision (various items), staff members (for all student gifts) and a grant the district received named WA State Student and Youth Homeless COVID 19 Response Fund. This is an amazing outpouring of love and Christmas Cheer from our community to our community. Thank you to all who have participated in this outreach of Charity.
New Books for the Harrah Campus Library - Fran Filer donated $300 to the Harrah campus library in the honor of Betty Clark. The funding will be used to purchase the following books that were recommended by Mrs. Filer:
· Coyote Tales -- Thomas King
· The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse -- Charlie Mackesy
· My Casa is My Home -- Renne Sala
· The Distance Between Us -- Reyne Grande
· My Name is LaMoosh -- Linda Meanus
A label will be placed in the front cover of each book designating the reason for the donation. Thank you Ms. Filer for your kind donation in honor of your friend and ours Ms. Betty Clark.
Have you heard of Pigs in a Blanket… Well, White Swan has Pigs in a Barn!
The White Swan Pigs are now in the White Swan High School barn. Mrs. Grooters reports that the babies are settling in and are healthy and happy. We have 36 pigs but only 20 will be raised in the barn. We did receive a donation from Yakama Forest Products for pig bedding.
Get ready for Holiday Spirit Week!
Next week will be Holiday Spirit week at WSHS. On Wednesday, December 13th we have planned an event day. Eight community members have agreed to come to WSHS to talk about the importance of attendance and graduation. At the end of the day there will also be an awards assembly. Teachers and staff members have nominated students to receive academic, attendance, behavior, citizenship, and effort awards. Principal Tenney states, “Our students are awesome and we want to make sure we recognize their hard work in these areas.”
Cougar Wrestling with Pride and Spirit!
The new Wrestling mats have arrived, and on Wednesday we had our first meet using them. Mr. Muller says it is a thing of beauty and pride. Our wrestlers put on a good showing against Toppenish especially in the upper weight classes.
Are you a Math Thinker?
Harrah Campus teachers engaged in math fluency professional development this week, by discussing how students become math thinkers through gaming. They engaged in several math games as students and then discussed the positive outcomes of the experience. Students not only learn to be flexible math thinkers but also learn the positive human values of turn taking, collaborating, and sharing. Those are very important values to learn for life as well.
Panthers are Readers! In fourth grade, readers are taking ownership of their learning by tracking their literary progress and comprehension in personal data binders. The teachers meet with students and discuss ways to improve their reading skills.
Literacy for our Migrant Students and Families - The Migrant Team held a literacy night on Wednesday for well attended. Families engaged in several literacy activities as well as learning how to support their students in a variety of ways. Congratulations to Michelle and her team on a job well done.