Mr. Gerry Muller and the Baseball Teams get Accolades from Opposing Team Parent
On Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 8:30 PM Sunnyside Christian School parent wrote:
“Hello, I am a parent of a Sunnyside Christian middle school baseball player. I just wanted to write to let you know that I really enjoyed your coaches and players at the double header in Sunnyside today, April 25th. The coaches were very positive and encouraging and the kids worked really hard. I know that a lot of letters are negative, but I just wanted to let you know how outstanding your players and coaches are.”
Mr. Muller replied - "Thank you so much for the kind words. This means a lot to us and I will definitely be sharing your words with our coaches and players. Coach Ryan and our parent volunteer coach have both been amazing coaches and mentors for our students at Mt Adams School District. "
Roots to Wings – This year Mt. Adams students have been participating in the Roots to Wings Program at Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences with other schools in the region. The program has been virtual throughout the year due to PNWU’s vaccination requirements. The students have been staying after school and attending virtually. The Middle School & High School students participate through the large interactive television monitor and the 6th grade students are supported by Mrs. Larez.
Closing ceremonies took place in person at PNWU this week and for some of our students. This is our 8th year participating in this program. Next year, the program will be open to Toppenish, Wapato, and Yakima School Districts. Since its beginning, it has just been MASD and tribal school.
Last Day of School for the 2022 School Year - As of today, the last day of school is Wednesday, June 15th rather than June 14th due to the snow days and non-school day that we needed to take. The District will be applying for a waiver from the Office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction to see if we can waive the lost day. The District will have acquired the required number of hours for the year, but we are one day of instruction short of the required 180 days. Once we hear from OSPI, we will notify students, staff, parents, and the community,
Parking for Baseball Games on the White Swan Campus has become a concern. Based on comments from parents, there are some in our community who are unable to walk out of their vehicles on the uneven grass adjacent to the baseball field in order to watch the game. The solution has been to have “drive-up” spectators who drive on the lawn near the field. The District’s concern related to this practice include but are not limited to, Safety for all members of our community including those walking and those driving; Liability of someone getting hurt by a moving vehicle near the play field; Those who choose to walk in with lawn chairs have limited areas to sit because of the cars: Cars not only parking on the west side of the field but are now starting to park on the south side of the field; At least one of the vehicles this season smelled of Marijuana and drugs are not allowed on a public school campus; there are sprinklers that have been damaged by the vehicle traffic; If there happens to be a weapon, even a hunting weapon, in the car, the owner could be arrested for having a weapon on campus; And there have been multiple concerns brought to the District Office over this practice of cars on the lawn. The District has heard the community’s concerns and will begin to address this as soon as possible by relocating the west fence near the baseball field several feet closer to the field and allowing cars to park facing the field in order to watch the game from their car. During the rest of this season, only foot traffic will be allowed on the lawn. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we appreciate the community’s patience as we strive to meet both the needs of the community and of the District and keep everyone safe. I hope you, “Come on out to the Ball Game!”