IPP Review

The Mt. Adams School District is asking for your input on Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs) approved at the December 20, 2021  Board of Director Meeting.  The District annually updates this document as part of our federal requirement to receive Impact Aid to support the education of all children in the District.

To read the current IPPs and submit  your input and recommendations, please click here: Public Comment and Review of Indian Policies and Procedures.  This information will also be mailed out to families.

The District is required to: disseminate IPPs with sufficient advance notice to allow parents of Indian children the opportunity to review and make recommendations; offer an opportunity for parents of Indian children to provide their views on the District's educational program and activities; assess the extent to which Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children; modify IPPs, if necessary, based upon the input from the Indian community; respond at least annually in writing to comments and recommendations made by parents of Indian children; and disseminate the responses to the tribe and parents of Indian children prior to the submission of the IPPs by the LEA.

Following your review of the IPPs, we welcome your feedback and recommendations.  You may also attend a public hearing scheduled for October 17, 2022, at the MASD monthly Board of Directors meeting at the White Swan High School Library.  Public comment is scheduled for 5:30 p.m.

We look forward to your input and suggestions as to how we can continuously improve the quality of education and support for all children of the Mt. Adams School District.