Mt. Adams School District continues to collaborate with a program called Project SUCCESS. This program is funded by CPWI. The program's goals are to prevent and reduce alcohol, tobacco and other drug use and improve school performance. To accomplish these goals, students will have the opportunity to participate in additional school-wide awareness programs, classroom perceptions of substance use and learn skills to identify and resist social and situational pressures to use substances. Parent meetings and workshops will also be available to assist you in prevention efforts. Within the 2022-2023 school year our services plan has expanded to providing licensed behavioral health services.
Soledad Zintzun, our Project SUCCESS counselor will be responsible for implementing and coordinating Project SUCCESS. prevention and education activities at Mt. Adams School District. Soledad is working to become a Certified Prevention Professional as well as a Master in Social Work, with previous experience in working with adolescents and specialized training in prevention and early intervention strategies. They are being paid and supervised by ESD105.
Soledad will be available to see students who are using alcohol and other drugs or have personal, school, or family issues that could lead to substance abuse. If you are worried about your student’s behavior and would like to speak to the Project SUCCESS counselor an/or have the Project SUCCESS counselor see your child, please call her at 509.874.8604. All calls are confidential.
In order to assess the effectiveness of Project SUCCESS, we will be asking students who receive services to participate in a survey to measure changes in attitudes and behaviors that decrease the risk for substance abuse. Here are some facts about the survey:
Developed in 1990, the survey has been given to over 100,000 students in the U.S. Student’s participation in the survey is voluntary. Your student does not have to participate and will not need to provide a reason. Students can answer as many questions as they wish and do not have to answer any question they do not want to. The survey will be given if the student is receiving services with the SAP during a class period that they are pulled out. This survey is completely confidential. Your students and school’s privacy are protected. No one at the school will ever view a completed survey. The survey will be used by Student Assistance Services Corp., and the Board of education to evaluate the program’s effectiveness. A copy of the survey is available for your review if you wish.
If you do not want your student to participate in the services, please return this form below to the main office by 10/17/2022 If you send this form, your student will be given an alternative activity to do during the survey period
We are hopeful that Project SUCCESS will be effective in preventing and reducing alcohol and other drug use and in improving school performance.