Mt. Adams School District #209
Indian Policies and Procedures
2022-23 School Year
It is the intent of the Mt. Adams School District #209 (MASD) that all Indian children of school age have equal access to all programs, services and activities offered within the school district.
To this end, the Mt. Adams School District #209 will consult with the local tribe and parents of Indian children in the planning and development of Indian Policies and Procedures (IPPs), general education programs, and activities.
These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually, and revisions will be made within 90 days of the determination that requirements are not being adequately met. In addition, MASD is actively working with a member of Yakama Tribal Leadership who is the designated MASD/Yakama Nation Tribal Liaison. This person serves as the key partner between our District and the Nation to ensure that the spirit of these IPPs is fully implemented.
The Yakama Tribe’s preferred method of communication from the district is to use email when possible, communicate through the MASD/Yakama Nation Tribal Liaison to the Yakama Nation Education Committee as well as utilizing each school's weekly communication to parents and, and when necessary, letters sent home with students. The MASD Indian Policies and Procedures become effective annually upon MASD School Board’s approval in October of each year.
Policy 1: The LEA will disseminate relevant applications, evaluations, program plans and information related to the LEA's education program and activities with sufficient advance notice to allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity to review and make recommendations. [34CFR222.94 (a)(1)]
Procedure 1:
The District Administrator/designee will disseminate, as soon as reasonably possible after such information becomes available, but not later than five (5) days in advance of any meeting, by emailing the tribe a copy of the following documents:
∙ Current Impact Aid application;
∙ Assessment/Evaluation of Equal Participation in all Educational Programs;
∙ Indian Policies Procedures (IPPs); and,
∙ A copy of the education programs including any programs to be added or eliminated.
A summary of the documents will be emailed and/or sent home with children for parents of Indian children. The summary will include information on how to access the documents on our webpage. Parents of Indian children, tribal officials and the public will be given notice of any and all meetings related to equal participation, the content of the educational programs, the Impact Aid application and the IPPs by including information about meeting times and locations in the questionnaire to be disseminated in the Fall. The location, date, and time of any meeting described above shall be posted in the same manner as a legally posted Board meeting and advertising in local media serving the Yakama tribe. In addition, specific invitations will be sent to tribal members at least five (5) days in advance of any meeting on these topics.
POLICY (2): The Mt. Adams School District #209 will provide an opportunity for the Yakama Tribe and parents of Indian children to provide their views on the District's educational program and activities, including recommendations on the needs of their children and how the District may help those children realize the benefits of the educational programs and activities. [34CFR222 .94(a)(2)] As a part of this requirement, the LEA will:
Notify tribes and the parents of Indian children of the opportunity to submit comments and recommendations, considering the tribe's preference for method of communication, and
Modify the method of and time for soliciting Indian views, if necessary, to ensure the maximum participation of tribes and parents of Indian children.
Procedure 2:
2.1 Then Mt. Adams School District #209 will make the following opportunities available for parents of Indian children and tribes to provide input on the educational program and activities:
∙ IPP Meeting 3rd Monday in October,
∙ Meaningful Tribal Consultation Meeting 3rd Monday in October,
∙ Fall survey on the needs of Indian children conducted during registration and/or annually during the third week in August,
∙ Regularly Scheduled Monthly School Board Meetings on the third Monday of each month or as stated on the Board Adopted Annual Board meeting schedule (community members must sign in prior to the start of the meeting in order to speak during the public comment section of the board meeting),
∙ Regularly Scheduled Monthly School Board Meetings on the third Monday of each month or as stated on the Board Adopted Annual Board meeting schedule Yakama Tribal Liaison provides a monthly report or asks questions of the Board as a standing “Report from Tribal Liaison” on the monthly agenda.
2.2 Parents of Indian children, tribal officials and the public will be given a minimum of a five (5) day notice of any and all meetings related to the content of the educational program, by including information about meeting times and locations in the questionnaire to be disseminated in the Fall. The location, date and time of any meeting described above shall be posted in the same manner as a legally posted Board meeting, and advertising in local media serving the Yakama tribe. In addition, specific invitations will be sent to tribal members at least five (5) days in advance of any meeting on these topics.
2.3 The Yakama Tribe prefers all communication with the tribe and the parents of Indian children be disseminated via email and US Postal Service mail. If the preferred method of communication changes, MASD will, to the extent possible, take it into consideration.
2.4 Annually, as part of the IPP survey to parents during August of each year, MASD will solicit information from the Tribe and Indian parents regarding the frequency, location, and time of meetings and shall make modifications to the method and time for soliciting Indian views, if necessary, to ensure maximum participation of Tribes and parents of Indian children.
POLICY (3): The Mt. Adams School District will, at least annually, assess the extent to which Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children in the District's education program and activities. [34CFR222.94 (a)(3)] As part of this requirement, the LEA will:
Share relevant information related to Indian children's participation in the LEA's education program and activities with tribes and parents of Indian children; and
Allow tribes and parents of Indian children the opportunity and time to review and comment on whether Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children.
Procedure 3:
The Mt. Adams School District #209 will take the following measures to annually assess the extent to which Indian children participate on an equal basis with non-Indian children in the District's education program and activities.
3.1. MASD will annually calculate from its records the ratio of Indian children compared to non-Indian children participating in all academic and co-curricular programs.
3.2 MASD will disseminate its assessment of Indian children participation compared to non-Indian children and any other related data with the parents of Indian children and tribe by email and posting to the school district’s webpage a copy of the assessment 30 days in advance of the IPP meeting and Meaningful Consultation meeting with Tribal leaders; 3rd Monday in October.
3.3 Parents of Indian children, tribes and other interested parties may express their views on participation through the following methods:
∙ IPP Meeting 3rd Monday in October,
∙ Meaningful Tribal Consultation Meeting 3rd Monday in October,
∙ Fall survey on the needs of Indian Children held annually in August,
∙ Regularly Scheduled Monthly School Board Meetings on the third Monday of each month or as stated on the Board Adopted Annual Board meeting schedule (community members must sign in prior to the start of the meeting in order to speak during the public comment section of the board meeting),
∙ Regularly Scheduled Monthly School Board Meetings on the third Monday of each month or as stated on the Board Adopted Annual Board meeting schedule Yakama Tribal Liaison provides a monthly report or asks questions of the Board as a standing “Report from Tribal Liaison” on the monthly agenda,
∙ Direct communication with MASD.
If it is determined that there are gaps in Indian participation in the educational program or activities, MASD Board of Directors in consultation with the Indian Education Committee, tribe and the parents of Indian children, will modify its education program in such a way as to improve Indian student participation.
POLICY (4): The Mt. Adams School District #209 will modify the IPPs if necessary, based upon the results of any assessment or input described in this document. [34CRF222.94 (a)(4)]
Procedure 4:
4.1 The Mt. Adams School District #209 Board of Directors will schedule a meeting the 3rd Monday in October to discuss the content of the IPPs, equal participation, and educational program and activities. Parents of Indian children and tribes will be notified by including information about meeting times and locations in the questionnaire to be disseminated in the annually in August. The location, date and time of any meeting described above shall be posted in the same manner as a legally posted Board meeting and advertising in local media serving the Yakama tribe. In addition, specific invitations will be sent to tribal members at least five (5) days in advance of any meeting on these topics.
4.2 The Mt. Adams School District #209 Board of Directors in consultation with the Yakama Tribal Liaison and the Indian Education Committee will evaluate all recommendations for changes to these IPPs.
4.3 The Mt. Adams School District #209 Board of Directors will decide on all recommended revisions to these IPPs.
4.4 Any changes by the Mt. Adams School #209 District Board of Directors will become effective immediately upon adoption.
4.5 The Mt. Adams School District #209 will disseminate copies of the revised IPPs to the tribe and parents of Indian children within 30 days of adoption by the school board. The tribe will be sent a copy of the revised IPPs by email. A notice to parents will be sent home with students with instruction on how to obtain a copy or the revised IPP.
POLICY (5): The Mt. Adams School District #209 will respond at least annually in writing to comments and recommendations made by tribes or parents of Indian children, and disseminate the responses to the tribe and parents of Indian children prior to the submission of the IPPs by the LEA. [34CRF222 .94(a)(5)]
Procedure 5:
5.1 The Mt. Adams School District #209 will annually keep track of and assemble all comments and suggestions received through the various consultation processes by ensuring the minutes of the annual October Meaningful Consultation, monthly School Board Meetings, and the IPP meeting in October capture the comments, questions and concerns raised through the consultation process. The school district will respond in writing to direct communications with the school district that are sent in writing. Mt. Adams School District #209 will at least annually respond in writing to comments and recommendations made by the tribe, or parents of Indian children, and disseminate the responses to all parties by emailing the written responses to the tribe and sending a summary to parents with instructions on how to obtain the entire document via the student.
POLICY (6): The Mt. Adams School District #209 will provide a copy of the IPPs annually to the affected tribe or tribes. [34CR F222.94 (a)(6)]
Procedure 6:
The Mt. Adams School District #209 will annually provide a copy of the current Indian Policies and Procedures to Yakama tribe by email prior to submitting the Impact Aid Application.
Tribal Consultation: October 17, 2022
Board Approval Date: December 19, 2022
Approved: | 2022;2021;2020;2019;2018;2017;2016;2015;2014;2013;2012;2011 |
**Information also to be mailed to parents/guardians in February of 2023.